Pomo folkways
Book 1926 Loeb, Edwin Meyer

PomoNorth America > Northwest Coast and California
This document incorporates the efforts of five graduate students who in the winter of 1921, under the direction of A. L. Kroeber, obtained from an Eastern Pomo informant much valuable information on Pomo shamanism and the Kuksu cult, material culture...

Mentawei myths
article 1929 Loeb, Edwin Meyer

MentawaiansAsia > Southeast Asia
After a very brief introduction to several aspects of Mentaweian ethnography, Loeb presents a series of Pageh (Pagai) mythological tales collected in large part by the German missionary Herr Börges and supplemented in the field by the author. These t...

Mentawei religious cult
Book 1929 Loeb, Edwin Meyer

MentawaiansAsia > Southeast Asia
This is a study of various aspects of Mentaweian religious practices with a strong emphasis on the PUNEN system -- a series of religious festivals or ceremonies accompanied by sacrifices (usually of animals). Loeb describes in detail one of the major...

Mentawei social organization
article 1962 Loeb, Edwin Meyer

MentawaiansAsia > Southeast Asia
Preceded by a brief background summary of the material culture and religion of the Mentaweians of the North Pagai Islands, Loeb proceeds to describe various elements of social organization found in this group, centering primarily around the roles of ...

Shaman and seer
article 1962 Loeb, Edwin Meyer

MentawaiansAsia > Southeast Asia
Loeb discusses the differences between the Mentaweian type of shaman or seer from that of the Siberian type which he calls in the text non-inspirational vs. inspirational. He then attempts to show that the seer is the oldest type of Indonesian medici...